Get the 11-Day Invitation Email Course today for $11 and...

i'll show you how i used my m.e.l.d framework to schedule 200+ dream visits with my dead mother


Inside this Email course, I'll Show You How I schedule dream dates with my dead mother, and nurtured a new Type of Relationship with her. You'll get a step-by-step plan to learn how to reunite with your loved one in 11 days or less.

Dear Fellow Griever:

Since you lost your loved one, the pain is unbearable and unapproachable. You miss them like crazy and it feels impossible to move on...

but what if you don't have to move on?

Imagine waking up after a dream visit with your person… trembling with amazement and filled with joy at the hyperreality of the warmth of their hug as they held you in their arms knowing that you had just had a profound experience that would stay with you for years if not the rest of your life.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You feel stuck in your grief and don’t know how to move on or exist in a world without your loved one
  • You miss your person like crazy and long to feel the warmth of their hug one more time
  • You are tormented by guilt and regret because of unresolved issues in your relationship
  • You have words that were left unsaid: I’m sorry, I love you, I miss you…
  • You feel like your life has become a meaningless void of never ending sadness and exhaustion and you sometimes feel, "what's the point anymore?"
  • You have lost interest in things you used to enjoy
  • You are wondering how you are supposed to survive another 20+ years like this

And despite your best efforts to face up to all these challenges (and a lot more), life feels devoid of color, taste, and smells. The grief is eating you from the inside, and it is as though you are shuffling through your life enveloped in a grey fog of meaninglessness.

Grief is hard.

But it is not insurmountable, although it often feels this way. A dream visit with your person can release frozen energy and give you the courage you need to work through your grief and reconcile any feelings of depression and apathy.

It can be genuinely life-changing.

I met my mother for the first time in a dream two weeks after she died in 2018.

We walked down a gravel road near my childhood home, while her body lay a thousand miles away in a morgue in Silver Spring, Maryland.

This first dream changed the trajectory of my life and helped me rewrite my grief story.

With time, I realized that I did not have to wait for random visits, but I could combine a lucid dreams and visitation dream and schedule dream dates with her. I currently have a rich and ever-evolving relationship with my mother.

Visiting with my mother was not strange because over the last 11 years, I have spent thousands of hours, and over $100,000 in courses, and training programs to understand consciousness and what happens after death as well as learning how to lucidly navigate dream worlds.

In the ~5.5 years since her death, I have had 200+ dream dates with her where I received many warm hugs and guidance from her, and inside the Dream Reunions 11-Day invitation email course, I show you everything I have learned that has allowed me to continue my relationship with my mother.

I’ve learned a lot of things, the biggest thing I’ve learned is this :

There is no secret to having a dream visit with a loved one.

People have spontaneous visitation dreams all the time – you might have even had one, but there is a formula that will help you induce them at will so that you don’t have to wait but can reach out to your loved one when you have something to tell them, the way you used to call them on their cell phone or go visit them.

It's just a matter of :

  1. Mindset: Being open-minded with an expansive/curious mindset
  2. Emotional State: Being in a stable emotional state that allows for restorative sleep.
  3. Longing: Having a strong desire and urgency to reconnect with them
  4. Dream Skills: Have the foundational dreaming skills to get you there.

That’s all it takes.

Your loved one will always be a part of you and with the M.E.L.D framework, you can begin to experience this as a reality.

I've perfected this framework and translated it into the 11-Day Invitation which give you a step-by-step system to learn everything you need.

I've use it multiple times myself to schedule dream dates with my mom when I need her guidance and advice on something or when i just want a hug.

And the thing is that it does not only work for me...

See what others are saying...

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What people who have experienced the 11-day Dream Reunions Invitation and my work have to say

This Email Course Gives You My Step-by-Step Roadmap to Schedule Dream Visits with Your Loved One


If you want to hug your loved one again and be surrounded by the warmth of their love...

If you want a chance to tell them all the things you didn't have a chance to tell them before they died like I love you, I am sorry, thank you, goodbye...

If you want reassurance that they ok and no longer suffering...

If you want to ask for forgiveness or hear them tell you they are not upset with you, alleviating any guilt or regrets you might have had...

If you want to be able to create new memories with them , give them life updates, hear about how they are doing and receive their emotional support and guidance in your life...

If you are ready to experience joy again in your life without feeling guilt...

And as long as you are fully invested and actually willing to dedicate approximately one hour a day for 11 days to learn the skills necessary to get a dream date with your loved one...

The email course you can get on this page will show you how to.

What you'll learn

The Dream Reunions 11-Day Invitation Email Course in a Nutshell

We’ll be taking a deep dive into principles, strategies, and tools from dream yoga, Jungian dreamwork, the Continuing Bonds grief model, Western sleep and dream science, and mourning rituals from my African heritage giving you practical and timeless insights you can use immediately to evolve your relationship with your person.

If you have any questions about any of it, feel free to send an email or book a free 10-minute discovery call.

This is a breakdown of the 3 phases we will cover over the course of 11 days:

Phase 1: Point of Urgency

A strong desire to reunite with your person is an absolute must and in this phase I help you pin-point your urgency, craft an intention that acts as a homing device, and write an invitation letter your loved one cannot help but accept. They respect your boundaries and try not to interfere with your life.

Phase 2: Building a Bridge

In this phase, you will learn my 5I bedtime ritual inspired by an ancient Greek dream practise to regenerate your physical, emotional, and mental bodies, and open your ATTRACTOR field to receive dream communications from your loved one. In addition, my dream download protocol and morning ritual will also get you remembering your dreams in no time if you don’t already remember them.

Phase 3: Threads of Connection & Reunion

As Paul Coelho says, “We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us, they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms”. We each have a unique soul frequency similar to a fingerprint and in this phase, I show you how to raise your core vibration and attune yourself to the soul essence and frequency of your person so that you can find the room they are currently in, amplify the bond you share and nurture a new type of relationship.

A visitation dream from your dead loved one can serve as an anchor, inspire hope, give context to a bleak period in your life when everything is shrouded in darkness, and grant you the courage needed to fully inhabit your grief and rewrite your story after loss.

How the 11-Day Invitation will work

The 11-Day Dream Reunions journey is a unique invitation to learn how to use the potent healing power of visitation dreams to reconnect with your dead loved one and create a new type of relationship that will endure for the rest of your life.

11 Daily Invitations: After you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome email and starting the following day, you will get a new daily email lesson from me for 11 days with the course curriculum and practices to help you induce a visitation dream from your loved one.

Time Investment: Each daily invitation will take you about 30 - 60 minutes a day and build on the last one to help you master the different dreaming skills. Overall, the total time commitment will be about an hour a day (including your bedtime ritual and morning ritual for dream recall).

Here's what included

  • 11 Daily email invitations and practices
  • 5 Remembrance /Soul Attunement rituals
  • Visualization meditation (MP4 audio file)


  • 11-Day Invitation PDF Guide (90+ pages) - you will receive this at the end of the 11 days
  • Resource library (articles, podcasts, playlists, mourning rituals, coping tools, etc.)
  • Soul Attunement rituals swipe file
  • A practical roadmap to integrate dream visits into your life as a way to evolve and continue your relationship with your person using the 10 types of visitation dreams

Are you ready for a visitation dream?

Find out if you are ready to reunite with your dead loved one in a visitation dream

Take the 5-minute quiz

More Kind Words

From people who follow me on Instagram

Transparency time

I cannot promise you a dream visit but by the end of this invitation, but ...

You’ll rekindle the embers of hope that you don’t have to move on by discovering dream reunion rituals (like P.S I love you) that allow you to keep the lines of communication open and ease the burden of grief.

You’ll understand how to restore and amplify the bond you shared with your loved one by creating threads of connection (Dream Reunions technique), so that you can build a bridge to a new type of relationship that spans the rest of your life.

You’ll have a set of evening rituals and morning rituals that create an inner and outer environment fertile to promote restorative sleep, visitation dreams, and an emerging hope in your future possibilities.

You’ll learn how to schedule dream visits with your person by scripting and incubating dreams that remove randomness and invites consistent connections.

And eventually, you will have a rich and evolving relationship with your loved one where you can schedule dream visits when you miss them extra and just want a hug and small talk, or want to share an important milestone you just experienced. That’s the dream, right?


This invitation is suitable for any one who has a deep desire to reconnect with their dead loved one, is in a balanced emotional state and is willing to invest the time needed to learn the skills to have a dream visit.

If you put in the effort, this invitation will take you through the entire spectrum of dream reunions – from barely recalling a dream to being able schedule consistent dream dates with your loved one as well as process your grief in a way that is life-affirming.

And you’ll undergo a massive transformation in the process.

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    Visitation Dream Stories

    Here are some more visitation dream stories people have shared with me.

    (Binge and be inspired!)

    About Ning

    Grief Guide & Dream Researcher

    Ning is a published poet, grief guide, spiritual healer and dream yogi specializing in the intersection of the healing power of dreams, rituals, and spiritual constellations as potent tools for helping the bereaved evolve and continue their relationship with their dead loved one and find the light side of grief.

    Her work as a grief guide is an integration of 11+ years of Tibetan dream yoga, 6+ years of Spiritual Healing and Constellations, shamanic breathwork, African mourning and grief rituals, Grief Models, Western sleep and dream science, a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from Columbia University as well as an embodiment of her personal experience grieving the death of her mother in 2018.

    Her life’s work is to inspire people to develop a softer relationship with death and grief by learning how to consciously journey into their pain, evolve relationships with their dead loved ones, and extract the medicine, soul gifts and purpose hidden within their grief.

    Read her story here

    Follow on Instagram for free visitation dream and grief resources.

    Copyright © 2024 . Dream Reunions. Ning Tendo. All Rights Reserved